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Bulletin de la Bourse

CI Galaxy Multi-Crypto ETF (CMCX.B, CMCX.U) inscrit à la Bourse de Toronto

28 janvier 2022

Issuer: CI Galaxy Multi-Crypto ETF ("CI ETF")

SecuritySymbolIssued and Outstanding SecuritiesReserved SecuritiesIssue Price
Canadian dollar-denominated unhedged units (the "ETF C$ Unhedged Series Units") CMCX.B 100,000 None C$10.00
U.S. dollar-denominated unhedged units (the "ETF US$ Series Units") CMCX.U 100,000 None US$10.00
Listing category: Non-Corporate
Trading currency - ETF C$ Unhedged Series Units: CDN$
Trading currency - ETF US$ Series Units: US$
Transaction: Initial public offering of ETF C$ Unhedged Series Units and ETF US$ Series Units (collectively, the "ETF Series Units") (the "Offering").
Listing date: January 31, 2022 (as at 5:01 p.m.) in anticipation of closing of the Offering.
Anticipated closing date: February 1, 2022 (prior to the opening).
Posted for trading date: February 1, 2022 (at the opening) subject to confirmation of closing of the Offering.
Other market(s): None
Designated market maker: BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Security ownership registration: CDS book entry only system and Non-Certificated Issue.
Investor relations: Geraldo Ferreira
Senior Vice-President, Investment and Product Management CI Global Asset Management
Incorporation: An alternative mutual fund established as a trust under the laws of the Province of Ontario pursuant to Schedule "A" dated January 7, 2022 to the amended and restated master declaration of trust dated April 21, 2020.
Manager: CI Investments Inc.
Fiscal year end: December 31
Nature of business: CI ETF seeks to provide holders of Units with managed exposure to certain digital assets as selected by the Manager, using a rules-based, momentum signaling strategy.
Transfer agent and registrar: TSX Trust Company at its principal office in Toronto.
Dividends: It is not anticipated that CI ETF will make cash distributions.
Sponsorship: Not applicable.
Offering document: Prospectus dated January 7, 2022 (the "Prospectus") which is available at . Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are as defined in the Prospectus.
Additional Information: The ETF US$ Series Units will be quoted and traded on ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú in US funds and trading information regarding the ETF US$ Series Units will appear under the heading "Trading in US Funds" in the TSX Monthly Review.
Initial public offering: 100,000 ETF C$ Unhedged Series Units will be issued at a subscription price of C$10.00 per ETF C$ Unhedged Series Unit and 100,000 ETF US$ Series Units will be issued at a subscription price of US$10.00 per ETF US$ Series Unit. CI ETF is authorized to issue an unlimited number of ETF Series Units, each of which represents an undivided interest in the net assets of CI ETF. The ETF Series Units of CI ETF are being issued and sold on a continuous basis and there is no maximum number of ETF Series Units that may be issued.
TSX contact: Selma Thaver,
TSX Listings