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Bulletin de la Bourse

Field Trip Health Ltd. (FTRP, FTRP.WT) inscrit à la Bourse de Toronto

3 juin 2021

Issuer: Field Trip Health Ltd. (the "Company")

SecuritySymbolIssued and Outstanding SecuritiesReserved Securities
Common Shares FTRP 57,312,238 12,046,063
Common Share Purchase Warrants ("Warrants") FTRP.WT 2,071,090 0
Listing category: Industrial, Non-Exempt Issuer
Trading currency: CDN$
Listing and posted for trading date: June 7, 2021 (at the opening)
Other market(s): The Common Shares have been listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE") since October 6, 2020 under the symbol "FTRP". The Warrants commenced trading on the CSE on January 5, 2021, under the symbol "FTRP.WT". TSX is advised that the Common Shares and Warrants will be delisted from the CSE on June 4, 2021 (at the close).
Temporary market maker: Independent Trading Group (ITG) Inc.
Security ownership registration: Common Shares – Certificated issue and Direct Registration System Warrants – Certificated issue
Investor relations: Ronan Levy
Director & Executive Chairman
(416) 505-0929
Joseph del Moral
Director & Chief Executive Officer
(416) 219-1050
Incorporation: Canada Business Corporations Act
Fiscal year end: March 31
Nature of business: The Company seeks to create a global brand of trusted clinics for ketamine-enhanced psychotherapy, psychedelic-enhanced psychotherapy and psychedelic-integration psychotherapy, enabling patients to address depression, anxiety, addiction and other conditions. The Company also conducts research and development, including developing psychedelic molecules and natural botanicals.
Transfer agent and registrar: Computershare Investor Services Inc. at its principal offices in Calgary and Toronto for the Common Shares and Computershare Trust Company of Canada at its principal offices in Calgary for the Warrants.
Dividends: None anticipated in the foreseeable future.
Sponsorship: Bloom Burton Securities Inc.

Principal Terms of the Warrants:

Exercise price: $5.60 per common share
Expiry: July 5, 2022
Additional information: Warrant indenture dated January 5, 2020 between the Company and Computershare Trust Company of Canada.
TSX contact: Chris Birkett,
Managing Director,