
TSX Venture Exchange Market Information

Current Market Information

Use the information below to access current TSX Venture Exchange issuer and security lists. An FTP client is required to access FTP URL links.

Report NameDescriptionFrequencyFTP URL (if applicable)
Securities Listed on TSX Venture Exchange by Tier Current security list with Tier and trading status. Daily ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/Securities/securities_by_tier.txt
Current list of index constituents. Daily N/A
Securities that are Halted/Suspended Current list of only Halted or Suspended securities. Daily ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/Securities/suspended_halted_securities.txt
Capital Pool Companies Listed on TSX Venture Exchange List of all Capital Companies with contact information, including those that have announced a Qualifying Transaction. Monthly N/A
Capital Pool Companies that have not announced a Qualifying Transaction List of Capital Pool Companies that need to find a Qualifying Transaction. Includes contact, share capital and geographic region information. Monthly N/A

Historical Market Information

Use the information below to access text-based statistics and records of TSX Venture Exchange market activity from November 1999 forward. An FTP client is required to access FTP URL links.

Publication NameDescriptionFrequencyFTP URL (if applicable)
TSX Venture Exchange Securities Daily Trading Report Synopsis of the day's trading activities for TSX Venture Exchange and NEX. Includes a summary of the trading for each security and large block trades. Daily ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/Publications/DailyBulletins/
TSX Venture Exchange Monthly Review Detailed statistics for trading and financing activities for the month and year-to-date with comparisons to previous years. Historical issues prior to July 2005 are available at no charge via the link to the left. Current issues are available from TMX Datalinx by way of an annual subscription Monthly ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/Publications/CDNXReviews/
Daily Historical Trading Activity Text file with a one-line summary of trading activity for each day of the current year. One file for each year. Daily ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/CDNXTradingActivity/Daily/
Daily Summary Text File Text file with the summary of the trading for each security. One file for each day. Daily ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/DailySummary/
Daily Issuer Bulletins Text file of all Issuer Bulletins for each day. Daily ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/Notices/

Note: Historical issues are available for most publications.

Index Information

Report NameDescriptionFrequencyFTP URL (if applicable)
S&P/TSX Venture Exchange Composite Index Link to text files that track the daily and monthly high, low and close values for the index (beginning Dec. 10, 2001). Daily ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/SPCDNXIndex/
Standard & Poor's Index Changes Notices Announced changes to the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index. As released N/A
CDNX Composite Index Text file that tracks the daily high, low and close values for the index (to Dec. 7, 2001). No longer updated ftp://ftp.cdnx.com/CDNXIndicators/Daily/

Listed Company Bulletins

to access our Searchable Issuer Bulletins page.

Capital Pool Company® Program

The Capital Pool Company (CPC®) program is unique to TSX Venture Exchange and is defined in Policy 2.4 of the Exchange's Corporate Finance Manual. The CPC program permits an IPO to be conducted and an Exchange listing to be achieved by a newly created company that has no assets, other than cash, and has not commenced commercial operations. The CPC then uses this pool of funds to identify and evaluate assets or businesses which, when acquired, qualify the CPC for listing as a regular Tier 1 or Tier 2 Issuer on the Exchange. Should the CPC not complete a Qualifying Transaction within 24 months of its date of listing, it may be suspended from trading or delisted. In consideration of the restrictions on this type of issuer as reflected in Policy 2.4, the Exchange has added an identifier of ".P" to the trading symbols for CPCs to differentiate them from other listed companies

Click here to access a list of the Capital Pool Companies that have not announced a Qualifying Transaction. You can also view a complete list of all CPCs listed on TSX Venture Exchange, including those that have announced a Qualifying Transaction.