
March 31, 2023
TMX IP Notice 2023-046

TMX Group

TMX Information Processor

Technical Issue Impacting TMX IP CDF-OMG and CDF-LYX Data via MCC Site

Technical Issue Impacting TMX IP CDF-OMG and CDF-LYX Data via MCC Site

Attention TMX Information Processor Clients

Please be aware that TMX IP experienced a refresh on CDF-OMG and CDF-LYX at the Markham (MCC) location. As the refresh was successful, clients consuming CDF-OMG and CDF-LYX from one site, or consuming from both sites and not packet arbitrating, would not be impacted.

Feeds Affected: CDF-OMG, CDF LYX

Site(s) Impacted: MCC

Customer Action: Clients are advised to not packet arbitrate CDF-OMG and CDF-LYX between MCC and TCF sites for the remainder of the day