
July 6, 2023
Equities Notice 2023-024

TMX Group

TMX Equity Trading Notice

Request For Industry Feedback Regarding Trading Of Digital Assets On TSX Alpha Exchange

TMX values its ongoing engagement and dialogue with clients to ensure our product investments are aligned with their interests and solve a business problem. TMX is committed to making markets better, and we are continuously exploring opportunities to innovate and advance our industry.

Canada has an opportunity to be a leader in providing proven, trusted infrastructure as well as appropriate guard rails to enable investors to participate in the growth of the nascent digital asset industry with confidence.

TSX Alpha Exchange Inc. ("Alpha") has published a Consultation Paper to solicit initial feedback regarding its proposal to permit the trading of digital assets on TSX Alpha Exchange. Alpha intends to use the feedback received to inform its decision on whether to proceed with the proposal, including potentially modifying the proposal based on the feedback received, soliciting additional feedback, and determining whether to submit an application to the Ontario Securities Commission for regulatory approval (including publishing a formal Request for Comment).

We invite market participants to review the proposal, questions, and provide their comments to better inform the TMX of how to best introduce a fair, transparent and stable digital solution. The comment period ends on August 18, 2023.

The Consultation Paper may be found here.

We appreciate your participation in this important process and look forward to hearing your feedback to help guide our path forward.