September 27, 2022
TMX IP Notice 2022-051
TMX Information Processor
TMX IP Product Announcement - TMX IP to Include CSE鈥檚 Secondary Market - Updated Launch Date
TMX IP to Include CSE's Secondary Market - Updated Launch Date
Attention TMX IP Customers
UPDATED CSE2 Launch Date and Test Weekend
Further to , the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) has announced a revised date for their new CSE2 marketplace. The business launch is now scheduled for October 24, 2022.
TMX IP has completed development for the CSE2 marketplace and has performed a technical launch. All client interfaces previously permissioned for CSE data have now also been permissioned for CSE2 data. We encourage clients to confirm their connectivity is working prior to the business launch. Any business content received on CSE2 multicast streams prior to Oct 24, 2022 will be for testing purposes and should be treated accordingly.
Canadian Securities Exchange has advised TMX IP that CSE and CSE2 marketplace data are to be treated as a single bundled product from a contractual point of view. No additional paperwork is required to be completed by TMX IP customers in order to receive and display CSE2 data via TMX IP. Please note that, technically, each market has its own Multicast Group and Recovery IPs and Ports.
CSE has announced that they will be having test weekends on Saturday October 1 and Saturday October 15. TMX IP intends to participate in the October 15 test by publishing CSE2 data on the following feeds: CDF-CS2, CBBO, CDF, and CLS.
TMX IP has revised the guidance for use of the tag CFOdOrderNumber in Order Modifications for both CSE and CSE2. New Specification version is v3.1
All updated specifications are available on the
Please contact TMX IP Support should you have any questions.