
January 29, 2021
TMX IP Notice 2021-001

TMX Group

TMX Information Processor

Specification Updates to CDF & CLS

Attention TMX Information Processor Clients

Please be advised that effective April 5, 2021, that the CDF and CLS specifications will be updated.

Please find below a summary table which outlines the updated versions of the specifications/guidelines, planned future updates to the specifications/guidelines, and the reasons for the updates. The specifications/guidelines have been changed slightly from prior communications and we recommend clients retrieve the latest versions from the document portal on the TMX Webstore.

TMX IP SpecificationCurrent VersionFuture Versions and Effective DatesReasons for Specification Changes
CDF Functional Specification 6.6 6.7 (April 5, 2021) Section 5.8 - Removed reference to
"AuctionTradeBulk" in Business Class
Section 7.0 - Removed field definition to BusinessAction (Tag 5)
Section 7.0 - Added new field definition
to CrossType (Tag 390) "CPP"
Section 7.0 - Added new field definition
to ExchangeID (Tag 247) "AQD"
Section 7.0 - Amended field definition "Notes" in ProductType (Tag 105) removing "only" and adding "and NEO
Section 7.0 - Added field definition to ProductType (Tag 105) "Depositary Receipts"
Section 10 - Updated glossary terms for CPP
CLS Functional Specification 3.9 4.0 (April, 5, 2021) Section 5.1 - removed reference to
"AuctionTradeBulk" in Business Class
Section 8.0 - Added new field definition to CrossType (Tag 390) "CPP"
Section 8.0 - Removed field definition to BusinessAction (Tag 5)
Section 8.0 - Added new field definition to ExchangeID (Tag 247) "AQD"