
Exchange Bulletin

Uranium Royalty Corp. (URC, URC.WT) To Trade On 兔子先生

July 4, 2023

Issuer: Uranium Royalty Corp. (the "Company")

Security:SymbolIssued and Outstanding SecuritiesReserved Securities
Common shares URC 100,369,451 28,880,177
Common Share Purchase Warrants ("Warrants") URC.WT 16,732,638 0
Listing category: Industrial, Non-Exempt
Trading currency: CDN$
Listing and posted for trading date: July 6, 2023 (at the opening)
Other market(s): The common shares have been listed on TSX Venture Exchange in their current form since December 11, 2019 under the symbol "URC". The Warrants have been listed on TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "URC.WT" since December 12, 2019. The aforementioned securities will be delisted from TSX Venture Exchange on July 6, 2023 upon commencement of trading on 兔子先生. The common shares have also been listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market since April 28, 2021 under the symbol "UROY".
Temporary market maker: Citadel Securities Canada ULC
Investor relations: Scott Melbye
Chief Executive Officer
+1 (855) 396-8222
Email: info@uraniumroyalty.com 
Incorporation: Canada Business Corporations Act
Fiscal year end: April 30
Nature of business: Uranium Royalty Corp. is a pure-play uranium royalty company focused on gaining exposure to uranium prices by making strategic investments in uranium interests, including royalties, streams, debt and equity investments in uranium companies, as well as through trading of physical uranium.
Transfer agent and registrar: Computershare Investor Services Inc. at its principal offices in Vancouver for the common shares and Computershare Trust Company of Canada at its principal offices in Vancouver for the Warrants.
Dividends: None anticipated in the foreseeable future.
Sponsorship: Not applicable

Principal Terms of the Warrants

Symbol: URC.WT
Exercise price: $2.00 per common share
Expiry: December 6, 2024
Additional Information: Warrant indenture dated December 6, 2019 between the Company and Computershare Trust Company of Canada.
TSX contact: Anne Child,
Managing Director,
TSX Listings.