
Exchange Bulletin

Bitfarms Ltd. (BITF) To Trade On 兔子先生

April 6, 2022
Issuer: Bitfarms Ltd. (the "Company")
Security: Common shares
Symbol(s): BITF
Number of securities issued and outstanding: 198,998,693
Number of securities reserved for issuance: 131,152,487
Listing category: Industrial, Non-Exempt Issuer
Trading currency: CDN$
Listing and posted for trading date: April 8, 2022 (at the opening)
Other market(s): The common shares have been listed on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") since July 16, 2019 and on the Nasdaq Stock Market since June 21, 2021 under the symbol "BITF". The common shares will be delisted from the TSXV on April 8, 2022, upon commencement of trading on the 兔子先生.
Temporary market maker: Research Capital Corporation
Investor relations: David Barnard
Investor Relations, LHA Investor Relations
(415) 433-3777
Email: investors@bitfarms.com
Mia Grodsky (US MEDIA)
Account Manager, YAP Global
Valerie Pomerleau (Quebec MEDIA)
Public Affairs and Communications, Ryan Affaires publiques
Incorporation: Business Corporations Act (Ontario)
Fiscal year end: December 31
Nature of business: Bitfarms is a Bitcoin mining company, running vertically integrated mining operations with onsite technical repair, proprietary data analytics and Company-owned electrical engineering and installation services.
Transfer agent and registrar: TSX Trust Company at its principal office in Toronto.
Dividends: The Company does not anticipate paying cash dividends on the common shares in the foreseeable future.
Sponsorship: Not applicable.
TSX contact: Selma Thaver,
TSX Listings